Why is it so difficult to simply admit that two people can see the exact thing very differently? I've taken considerable time and effort to explain my position and you seem equally intent on rejecting it. End of story in my book.
You keep making "end of story" comments, but then you continue on. Just stop typing if you've already said it.
We do see things differently, but IMO we are looking at/for different things. I reject your view because I disagree with (among other things):
1) What I consider to be your general criteria for quality gca;
2) Your willingness to take strong positions on holes and courses with elusive qualities identifiable only after multiple exposures; and least importantly,
3) Your particular perspective on a few of these holes.
Why is my disagreement so hard for you to accept?
If the time and opportunity allow it's my hope to return to Rock Creek and I'll take up your suggestion to play the par-3's from different lengths. I might even have a change of heart on the 18th hole too.
Terrific. Holes like the 18th may only expose their complete spectrum of problems after multiple plays. That is one reason I am surprised that your criticisms of the hole have been so strongly expressed. Glad to hear that you at least hold open the possibility that you are wrong in your preliminary assessment. That being said, for me stubbornness might make such a change of heart difficult, but then maybe such things don't apply to you. Still though, I wish you'd keep the possibility that you missed something in mind for all of your reviews based on one or even a few stops.