Interesting stuff for sure.
I pulled up a thread from about a year ago where you all discussed the 3rd at Pebble. From the discussion, it certainly does seem like this hole is/was excellent. It sounds like you have to plan your entire approach to playing the hole prior to hitting your tee shot and then, of course, execute your plan. Good stuff!
What's the Max Behr quote...something like...good architecture means giving the golfer a reason for each and every shot. I think I am close on that quote, but I don't quite have it correct.
The third is a very unique hole. I find it very hard to hit the fairway, even with a nice drive. At least in the summer, many drives seemed to run straight through the fairway. The approach is from a right to left lie to a green that calls for a right to left shot. It's just really unique. I don't know how I feel about the recently added bunkers either. I'm not sure it really made the hole any better, though admittedly I haven't ever seen the hole without them. Also, one of the worst holes at Pebble doesn't make it a bad hole - it is one of the best courses in the world.
I almost responed to your first thread on what to look for when evaluating courses. I typed out this long post but didn't post it because I was just saying so much when it can be all summed up in this - if you enjoy the golf hole, it is a good hole. Chances are, it's also good architecturally because you tend to enjoy holes that offer strategy and diversity. There should be no criteria to evaluate architecture. It is just purely enjoyed. When there is great architecture, it is great simply because it IS. You just know when it's there, I can't really explain it. Does that make sense?
I don't feel there is an 'ideal' golf hole. Ideal means it is the best, and unless golf courses were designed on the same piece of land there cannot be one ideal golf hole. The 'ideal' hole at Pasatiempo is much different than the 'ideal' hole at Pebble.
I am hoping this makes sense?
Please let me know if you have more questions. I have given your threads some good thought and would be happy to do my best to address your questions as well as possible.
Just remember, if you enjoy it, it's good.