And congratulations to Chris for his remarkable score of 37 out of 45 points!
Thanks Yannick, but like I said, I lucked out on a couple of those questions. In my defence, and with all due respect to Ian (thanks again Ian for putting the quiz together!), the quiz was as much historical as it was architectural. History is my strong suit, not so much architecture. I particularly had trouble with the "identify the architect" questions. I was sure Tillinghast was the correct answer for that last question, especially since Ian and Gil recently used a similar grassed-down style for their restoration @ Scarboro.
I'm also an avid reader of Ian's blog, which turned out to be an advantage since, as Ian mentioned, most if not all of the photos had been posted there.
I took the Capilano contruction photo home with me. I love the shot of those huge tree stumps. And to think, back in 1936 they were probably still using horses to pull out some of those!

If any of you are interested, keep an eye out for the Mackenzie print on ebay....just kidding Ian!

I'll treasure it!
Thanks again everyone for a great time!