Thanks for the tip on your article. I'll be looking for it. As soon as I hit the send button, I knew someone would go to the bottom with a sex comment, just didn't expect it right out of the gate. Actually I did. The golf porn comment was then probably accurate (in a good way). I'd like to know how that person describes golf porn and maybe he/she is on to something. "Golf porn" can mean being attractive to the lowest common denominator, but does that sell more than focusing on the details (many of which may be over some people's head)? I again wonder what gets people's attention first (photography-wise)when they are choosing to hire a designer.
Or try to answer this question:
Can someone honestly say that great design features in a poorly maintained setting will lead to more inquiries/make a brochure, website, show booth, more attractive than a golf hole with a great setting, shadows, sun, sky, but no architectural interest?