I visited Merion today.
Based on a zillion posts that previously appeared,
I wasn't sure what I'd encounter.
But, what I found was quite different from what I expected.
Are you sitting down Tommy (aka Tony)
And while some may not like the upholstered or pompador look of the lips, lets let a little time and fine tuning take place before making any FINAL judgements.
The visit also triggered several questions.
The first question was:
How were the wrap around grasses forming the lips going to be maintained ? And how would they be maintained without causing problems with the faces of the bunkers.
Someone indicated that a subsurface irrigation system would provide adequate water for this feature, and that fly mowing would probably be used to trim the bunkers.
That seemed like an arduous and expensive mowing method,
and I was wondering if anyone knew how the underground irrigation system functioned (if it exists)
The second question had to do with the two (2) distinct bunker areas, one clean, the other fescued.
I was curious as to what, or who determined which bunkers would receive each treatment, and why two distinct styles were created ?
The other question I had dealt with accessability.
Without spikes, entry into the bunkers is cumbersome to difficult, with most of the bunkers having a bathtub like configuration. As the membership experiences these bunkers over the next year or so, will the teeside lips be beveled to permit easier access ?
Do pictures tell the whole story ?
Can camera angles distort ?
Should pictures be taken of a golf course and its features, the way they present themselves to the golfer playing the course ?
I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMille