Just from the pictures, it looks to me like a good golf hole. Assuming that the entire site/course is well treed, it's a hole my eye would expect to see at some point in the round. It looks natural to me, and I like the simplicity of the flattish green. I maybe should defer to Robert, who I assume has played it and who calls it a very hard hole; but I think it might look harder than it is; with that generous and uncomplicated landing area up front, I could hit more club and swing easy and controlled, like a low punch shot. Anyway, I do think most courses could 'contain' at least a couple of holes that look/play like this, or their equivalents (depending on the site).
Edit - re: Chris B's post, I'd be playing it from ~160. I'm not sure why the large difference between the back and middle tees; I guess the site, but I'd think 180 might keep it more 'consistently' hard across the board