I deleted my initial vitriol, but I MUST say how sickened I am by the Links Trust's rather pathetic grasping at base commercialism here. I'm all for making money - hell, I'm scottish, but:
First of all, the US market is fading rapidly. The exchange rate will kill Scottish golf to all but the VERY wellest-heeled US golfer. For the so-called guardians of the noble game to so FRIKKIN OBVIOUSLY try to cash in on their location makes me ill. TOC, like Pebble will always be a major cash-cow, but the other courses will always be fifth business.
7 is a new, untried, untested, UN-RATED field. You'd imagine the first year at least they'd think: "Let's pitch it at a reasonable cost for one and all and see how the folks like it". Oh, nooooo, the eedjits price it second only to TOC and will, I GUARANTEE, find it's been 'Really successful. We're very happy with the first year results"
Aye, Right...
Idiotic beyond belief.