I've been lurking on this thread and thinking about this one alot..and I think I finally came up with an analogy that hopefully fits.
I compare a fine golf course to a beautiful woman. In the context of Golden Age courses as compared to most that are done now, I think there are some parallels.
To start with, my knowledge of golden age courses is limited at best in this group so I will just call it like I see it. Golden Age archies for the most part seemed to work with what God gave them. As even moving amounts of dirts that would seem small by todays standards, was likely a huge undertaking back then. They used the little imperfections in the land to give quirk and character to the course. The courses and greens had a component of mystery and intrigue to them where it took several playings to really sort of figure it out. They also were sort of left alone in terms of thier natural setting. Yes they they were touched up a bit to accentuate thier finer features and to let thier inner-natural beauty shine.
All of these things is what I usually find attractive in women as well. Not overly done, left as god made them, using a bit of makeup or a nice outfit to accentuate thier nicer attributues, and letting thier charm, personality, and natural woman-ness win you over.
Compare this to the modern course, where once again, this is just my perception whether it be accurate or not. Don't like where that hill is? Get a dozer, push it out of the way. Don't like those rumpled fairways? Get a dozer and off with thier heads. Don't like that there are no water hazards? Get a big shovel and dig a watering hole. Have a pre-set idea of what you want? Get a dozer and impose your idea of what you want on the land. Don't like undulating greens where three jacking could happen at any point? Just build em flat.
Don't like those boobs cause they're too small? Call the doctor and he'll lift or stuff em with silicone.
Think your butt is too flat? Get on the phone, the doc and those buttock implants are only a call away.
Is that nose just a bit too big? Tell doc you don't like the ski slope on the front of your face.
Just can't lose those pesky love handles? They can be sucked away with one swipe of the plastic.
Don't have a personality? Don't worry just act and dress like Paris Hilton and you're on your way.
Don't like that skin complexion? Just bury it under a ton of foundation and makeup and remember to smile pretty when the boys are looking.
Can't make a meal to save your life? Don't worry, just marry a rich guy and let the maid do it.
So I guess in my mind its about substance over sustenance.
Natural over manufactured. Function over form. Beauty over glitz.
My two cents..