Last summer, at the lowest point of my multi-year slump (from which I've miraculously recovered of late...just call me Moe Norman these days!!!
), my future son-in-law came to visit so I took him out to play nine holes with my future step-son and a friend of his who looked athletic enough and participates on the wrestling and track teams at high school.
Now, my future son-in-law is a serious bodybuilder who has humungous muscles not well-equipped for the flexibility necessary for golf. He can drive the ball 300 yards, but it's also likely to go straight right and sideways for 200 yards. And, my future step-son (I recognize all this future family stuff is confusing but understanding isn't necessary for the point of this story) is just learning the game.
We go to a Robert White designed 9 holer called Green Hills which is about 3300 yards with no fairway irrigation and some testing holes and greens.
To make a long story boring....
I'm not sure if it was the alignment of the planets, the total lack of collective skill of the golfers, or some horrible combination of the above, but for 9 holes....
The total score of the foursome....for nine holes...
was 257 strokes. It was the absolute worst display of collective golf I've ever seen.
We were in the "zone" alright....the zone of hell. It was comical in that there was not a single shot played by any of us in nine holes that was even remotely decent. Comedy of errors....from Dante's Inferno.
Thank god we were about the only ones on the course that afternoon.