I don't know whether I ever mentioned this but the day I met that young bomber, Nebraska's Long John Hurley there were some coincidences that fairly boggled my mind.
I started following him on the 7th hole of the quarterfinals of the Nebraska Match Play Championship at C&C's Proctor and Axland's Wild Horse.
There were only three people following the match, me and John Hurley's mother and father. I introduced myself to his mom and her name is Susan Hurley. My wife's maiden name was Susan Hurley. Then I introduced myself to his dad whose name is Jack Hurley, my wife's uncle. I asked them where they came from and they told me O'Neill, Nebraska. O'Neill is my wife's first married name. My stepdaughter's maiden name is Lauren O'Neill. If Long John Hurley had told me he had a sister or girlfriend in O'Neill Nebraska named Lauren I woulda been truly spooked. Now, if the latter bit had happened, even though I'm not a superstitious man, I believe I coulda got from him by osmosis how to add 150 yard to my tee shots and I too could hit a drive on Philly CC's #8 380 yards.