Add me to the chorus preferring Spyglass to Spanish Bay, for all the same reasons stated.
Now as for where else to play, well.... LA to SF encompasses a rather HUGE area. How much do you want to be driving any given day, Byron? If you can manage a lot of miles, then yes, Rustic Canyon would be a great choice, as would La Purisima (about 2-3 hours north of LA)... continuing north, I hear good things about Monarch Dunes (we have a participant here who's a regular there, perhaps he will chime in)... and then you keep going a few more hours until you are in Monterey - and you have all of that covered with Pasatiempo, Spyglass, and the private clubs you'll be doing.
PG Muni is great fun. It has a a very quirky parkland front nine, then a few great dunesy holes on the back, a no-frills kind of atmosphere (as least compared to those others), and it does give you a great chance to score well...
I'd say go ahead and add it in. You seem to have the famous great courses covered.. a lower-key change of pace might be just what the doctor ordered. The caddies who liked it better are pretty darn wise.
Bayonet/Blackhorse is another in Monterey worth seeing, but check on renovation status. I'm not sure what the heck they have playable right now.
Half Moon Bay links course (the new one) is good fun and provides some darn fine ocean views, if you haven't OD'd on those already... rather expensive though.
Back to LA, do you have any thoughts of getting down to Palm Desert, or otherwise going east from LA? That would allow dozens of great courses.... but logistics get weird....
As you can see, it's a huge state and the opportunities re just as huge.