Reading through the article, I thought this quote was classic...
As inevitable in these things as speculation is, I came across no one who could offer information on how Gagne carried out the hoax, if hoax it be. Her friend Judy Scrafford, never a hole-in-one witness, scoffs at the very suggestion.
"How in the heck," she says, "could somebody drop a ball in the hole and nobody in the group would see it? It would be impossible. It would be a helluva scam if you could pull that off. I suppose it could happen, once maybe. But that many times?"
Yeah, planting balls in the hole is impossible but getting 13 holes-in-one isn't?
And I think the odds of "1 in 2,253,649,101,066,840, 000,000,000,000,000, 000,000" that David Boyum of Golf Digest gave was WAAAAY too low. Almost all of her "hole-in-ones" came where she did not even hit the green - the ball just happened to be in the hole somehow rebounded off rocks, trees, whatever.
I have seen a lot of hole-in-ones on PGA Tour telecasts and I have NEVER seen a hole-in-one where the ball was off the green and bounced/rolled in.
I would say the odds that David Boyum gave is about trillion times less than what it should be.
Why would someone lie about this when it is so pathetic and obviously untrue?
Why would any self-respecting member of media even report this pathetic and obviously untrue story?