Thanks for the thoughtful answer. One more question - at your club are you in the vocal majority? 
NO, and I don't know, with respect to the issues at hand, if that's good or bad.
I've seen terrible mistakes made to the golf course over the last 40 plus years.
The problem with mistakes is that they're not easy to reverse.
First, the group that makes them has to go out of power.
Second, the membership has to have the financial desire to want to spend more money to fix something that already cost money to disfigure, so, another time gap or lag gets created.
Third, inertia sets in as time goes by, which works against repairing the damage.
There appears to be a belief and trend at certain clubs that if they "modernize" their golf course it will become more attractive to perspective members, ignoring the cadre of existing members who like the golf course as it is.
That's akin to treating perspective girl friends better than your wife.
Each club has its own culture, so you have to analyze what makes each club tick when it comes to alterations to the golf course.
ANGC is driven by the fact that they hold a Major every Spring. Other courses are driven by other factors.
On the whole, I'd say that clubs made more mistakes than improvements.
But, TEPaul will never admit to that.
However, Wayne would be the first to sound the alarm about Flynn courses that have been altered by their memberships over the years.