On a macro basis, it is partially a labor of love, partially a caretaker, and partially fiduciary among other things. Let me explain.
I love the game, my Club, and my golf course.
Giving back to the game is a primary objective in the fabric of amateur golf. If you believe and have the time, give back! Be a caretaker of your passion.
Volunteerism is the fuel which runs the Club engine. I believe if you care and you have the time to serve on some committee, serve! We have subject matter experts (staff) but they need informed direction from the Membership to perform their duties as we the stakeholders would like to see them done.
My Club as an institution has been around since 1894. For the better part of those 113 years someone acted in a fiduciary role to make the Club a better place for current and future generations. I believe we have a duty, a responsibility to perpetuate the founding ideology of our Club. If you benefited from those who came before you and have the time, pay it forward!
On a more granular level, I serve to balance those who come to the table with selfish agendas. I have an agenda……to do away with those who have a personal agenda. Green Chairmen want to build a monument or leave a mark, low handicappers want it harder, high handicappers want it fairer, women want what they want, juniors etc. I want every Member at every skill level to fully enjoy our golf course every time they tee it up.
That’s why I serve!