"Sept 16, 1870
On this date, Tom Morris and his partner woke up with the worst hangovers of their lives."
This fits in quite nicely with what Max Behr apparently referred to as "strategic" celebrating (analogous to strategic golf and architecture).
"We certainly have in mind the areas deserving retribution. Suppose from the outside limits of such an area we draw straight lines to the middle of the green, and we allow these lines, where they bisect it, to be the outside limits of a hazard cut in its face. Have we not by indirection, and at a very small cost, created an impartial hazard for all this area? What taxes cost less to collect and produce the greatest revenue, direct taxes or indirect? It is simply a question of the economics of pleasure. A headache the morning after is better than one the night before. The latter destroys pleasure, the former makes us consider what is worthwhile."