> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group

Women's National Golf & Tennis Club

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Michael Chadwick:

--- Quote from: Angela Moser on January 17, 2025, 06:49:57 AM ---

You can point out the changes between the 1926 and the 1940 aerial:
- the new 8th green has been built. (old 8th green is still visible!)
- new tees for the 9th.
- the new 17th green (the old green was inside the fairway)
- new tees for the 18th.
- there are definitely some big differences in bunkering added on many holes (1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18)

--- End quote ---

Resized Angela's notes above.

Below is my estimation of the routing. Correct?

Stewart Abramson:
The photo bucket links at the beginning of this thread are no longer working. Here's a link to photos of the back nine at Glen Head from 2018


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