> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group

Women's National Golf & Tennis Club

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Flynn was paid for work that was done in 1926 and 1927; years after the initial payments to Emmet in 1923.  I don't see how the work Flynn was paid had anything to do with preliminary work.  The amount paid to Flynn was nearly half the amount paid to Emmet.  I don't know how that translates to work on the ground, but it would be significant in any case.  Could it be design, construction or a combination?  I don't think anyone knows, but the 1940 bunkering around the entire course is vastly different than other Emmet courses.  One could speculate that the 18-hole course wasn't finished at once and additional work was done to complete the project.  Another scenario is that the existing course was redesigned.  I wish we could get a clearer understanding.  We may never know what the architectural evolution is.

The reason the first hole does not strike you as anything like Emmet is because its not an Emmet hole.  The original first green and hole played shorter and to the right of the current first green (closer to the second tee).  If I remember correct from my research, todays first green was done by Tull, but I am not 100% on that.  However, I am certain that the first hole has been significantly changed.


Has your research turned up anything at all on Flynn's efforts at Women's National/Glen Head?  What year(s) was Tull on site?

What about Marion Hollins? What input did she have
into the design?



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