Very nicely written and researched article by Mr Car.
As he mentioned Jim Buki and I have discussed the L.E. Davis connection with the Logging Company. He married a lady from the very upper part of Vermont. After Syracuse and working in Cooperstown the position with the company came early. I recently came across that Alison "was here today and went over the proposed lay-out of the additional nine-hole course. This was"was on from the Montreal Gazette 4/25/1921, which fits in with the June 1921 date on his routing plan. It also confirms Mr Car's thinking/timing later that summer of new holes added piece by piece and 12 hole courses etc.
There is a one-page bio of Lavis in my book, but I think he deserves much more research. I have him connected with several Alison courses over the length of C&A's 1920s office in Detroit and afterward. The CC of Detroit, Timber Point, Port Huron GC, Orchard Lake, and the no longer existing Colony Club are among the few which I've connected Lavis with in a major way.
On a beautiful blue sky day in 2018 Grand'mere was stunning. The combination of old school holes by the Old Man Travis (90 degree doglegs) with re-bunkering by Alison, the new Alison holes, and the combined Murray/Alison holes is unique. In addition the whole place is literally built on rock. Visible rock, in play rock, and hidden rock. Ridges in the greens are earth laid over rock.
I have faith that Andy Staples will keep the unique aspects of this wonderful layout and spectacular site.
Exceptional place.