I'm always impressed how easy it is to get golfers to pine for a lost hole from their youth. Rich never liked the previous 4th hole, because he remembers the old one.
I, now, dislike the current 4th, because I remember the one Rich never liked.
The new 3rd and current 4th are rather non-conforming, IMHO, to the rest of the course, esp. the 3rd, which looks like a Rees Jones watered-down attempt at a pseudo Redan. It doesn't fit the look of the rest of the greens, in my mind. The tee complex is too modern and barren as well, compared to others.
The walk from 3 green to 4 tee is very short. The long walks are from 3 tee to 3 green - around the perimeter of the woods, and from 4 tee to 4 green, around the perimeter. Both walks take you out of the bucolic zone that is the rest of the course, and right along the very busy Sand Hill Rd.
4 green does call for a lot of precision, especially with the mounding off of the left greenside bunker. It's a reasonably testing short hole.
The new 5th tee is great. But nowadays the drive from the lower tee calls for some thinking, since drivers can easily go thru the fairway, and big hits must be faded. The #5 Tiger tee is just a great view, and it straightens the hole quite a bit. It could also be even longer, since the elevation makes the hole play a bit shorter than the yardage would have you think.
The 12th, with its 3 trees engenders plenty of stragedy (sic). There's still a left option, and there's a right option. but they both are about 10 yards wide, and you must flirt with trees or hazard respectively. Miss that corridor on either side, and you have to manufacture something, which can be really fun.
The most fun is watching a big hitter smoke one down the middle, and be absolutely dead. That's golf unfairness at its very best.
12 is a great hole still.
The rest of Stanford is very susceptible to the problem of modern technology. Holes that seemed insanely long to me 10 years ago, now are often driver / wedge. I.e. 13. it's pretty common for people to find the speed zone on 18 and have 90 yds in, as well...
#2 WAS a bear, but now I just cut the left corner and often have 145 or less in from the cardinal tees. I have made a par from the new back tee (485), and the bunkers are in play from there, so I can't say it's bad at all...