C'mon, you know that there have been and continue to be studies done that look at how pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fetilizers move through the soil or are leached away.
There is accepted, non-agenda driven science available that says these types of products, used by golf courses, orchards, farmers, landscapers, homeowners, etc., can create problems (think ppm) when used incorrectly.
There is accepted, non-agenda driven science available that says these types of products, used by golf courses, orchards, farmers, landscapers, homeowners, etc. are nearly harmless when used correctly.
There are 'best practices' guidelines available from universities, the USGA, GCSAA, etc., for superintendents and anyone else who uses these products in commercial applications.
Golf courses fair well when guidelines for use are followed. If you don't apply these products too heavy, too close to waterways, too close to rain events, etc., you are practicing 'stewardship'. . Go the other way and you practicing 'sewership".
What's better?