The Ripple Effect is where one, or a group of great courses, influence the lesser courses around it. It may also take place due to one, or only a few great architects.
Having played most of the decent courses in the London heathland, it is easy to see similarities amongst the courses. I have seen the same in the Melbourne sandbelt, as well as some of the American courses I have played.
Of course, many of the Scottish links courses I have played have certain similarities, most probably due to the strength of the landscape; and there in lies the difficulty of the question.
How much of the similarity is due to the landscape ?
How much is due to one, or a few, great courses in the area ?
How much is due to one great architect ?
I believe it is too easy to just say it’s the landscape, the soil type, the topography in every case around the world. I have often wondered what would have happened if Harry Colt came to Melbourne, instead of MacKenzie; or if MacDonald had never fallen in love with golf.
What other areas around the world have a prominent ripple effect due to one or two great courses or architects ? How is the influence evident on the lesser courses in the area ?