While I totally agree that this should be walking only, it'll never happen.
Architects in mid-summer isn't exactly what you saw last week. Yep - the course is just as good - it's the golfers who mess the place up.
Last time I played, there was a very slow group ahead of us from, let's say, a country to the west of California. They were on a 5.5 hour pace, when, on #13, they tried to drive their cart over that little stone walking bridge fronting the green. The jerks actually got the cart so that the front and back wheels were off the ground, and the only part touching the ground was directly below the seat. They did damage to the stonework, and the marshall tried to kick them off the course. They ignored him (a nice college-aged kid) and just kept playing.
Funniest (and saddest) thing I've ever seen on a golf course.
Fortunately for my wife and I, it convinced us to join French Creek!