The hogwash is eminating from thee, my friend. The point is absolutely NOT that we should use what the pros use - in fact most would be better served NOT using the implements that benefit them - the point is that if this truly helped one get the ball in the whole in fewer strokes, then hell yes pros would use it.
And none do.
I know your rebuttal - don't bother. It is NOT a matter of time. Putting is a fundamental part of the game, a HUGE part of it for those for whom the game is a livelihood, and the presence of a myriad of different grips, putter styles, stances, etc. proves that these guys will do whatever it takes. If use of two putters was truly beneficial, hell yes they'd use it... and use would spread like wildfire.
It remains a desparate act of desparate men. But if it helps you to regain some confidence, then I'll hush up and you can keep fooling yourself.
Just don't try to sell it to those of us with some remaining dignity and self-esteem.