Thank you Jason.
Neil is a super guy he did a wonderful job with those 10 issues. They are most excellent, I was honored to be included. He did express a wish to not edit down a few bits in my essay. I used several quotes that helped the transistions and I think it flows better pre-edit - the meat is still there however. I will post the director's cut eventually.
Originally we planned to build in stages to get some holes open, then move to the next. The construction - shaping and irrgation - worked so well, that we did the whole kitten caboodle. We are doing the same with the plating and grassing - kind of.
So the rain wasn't so great when a direct hit.
I've also just started a blog to document the final few months of the project. It is due some additional refinement, but for you guys...
http://nuzzogolfcoursedesign.blogspot.com/ Comments on the blog are most welcome.