I golfed at one of our local muni's this morning, a 27-holer including a relatively new nine, and on that nine there are 4 holes with greens that are still experiencing turf problems.
When we arrived at the first of those greens, although there was a steady 30mph wind blowing, it was fairly obvious that manure of some kind had been spread on the bare patches. Liquid manure we were guessing.
Personally, I'm surprised something like that would be used...a) being a public space, and b) a public golf course where, ahem, golfers have been known to, um, lick their balls.
Is liquid manure (if this was what was used) commonly used on golf courses? Are there alternatives which would be as productive, or just as nearly productive?
This was almost a turnoff from playing this round. Four times we endured this in nine holes and it was rather unpleasant.