Thanks for supplying the drawing.
Are there any aerials that would show if the Flynn tee was built as drawn ?
I don't recall seeing any footpad for this tee.
I'm hoping to be on site again in the not too distant future and will examine the surrounding area again.
My curiosity is also peeked in the sense that it would have seemed logical for Flynn to either have merely expanded the existing MacDonald tee rather than create a new seperate tee that bordered the CBM tee, or create a new seperate tee well removed from the existing tee, if he wanted to enhance the angle, view and play of the hole.
There's something about creating a new tee with a common border to the old tee that doesn't make sense.
Ask yourself, would you build a new tee with a common border with the old tee, or would you merely extend the old, existing tee to the left ?
In addition, what's the difference in terms of the play of the hole and the angle of attack into the green if you play the approach from the far left of the CBM tee or the far right of the Flynn tee ?
I maintain that there is NO substantive difference, and therefore question if the tee was built as drawn, or, if the tee was built further to the left.
This gets back to the issue of the dimensions of the Flynn tee. If it was long and narrow, I would question the reasons for its existance, especially in the location shown in your diagram.
If it was a wide tee, that would make more sense.
If it was not a wide tee, then, I could see it being seperated and further left and not adjacent to the existing tee, otherwise its impact would be de minimis, and therefore its purpose/existance, as drawn ..... questionable.
Think of the dual tee issue in the context of relevance, in terms of the view, angle of attack and play of the hole.
That's another reason why the acquisition of an aerial showing the Flynn tee would be very helpful.
The reason that I'm interested in the dimensions of the tee has to do with the angles of attack created by the tee.
Are they substantive or minimal ?
Ascertaining width would help with that determination.