"I mean if Bubba tries to drive Merion 8, I will take that bet all day long. Thoughts?"
I walked around Merion with a couple of college coaches who were trying to recruit Nebraska's Hurley and one of them said he should've tried to drive Merion's #8.
This kind of thing is what some of these people do for a living but in my opinion that's one of the stupidest things I've heard.
On the other hand, maybe I just don't have any appreciation for that kind of strategy as Hurley hits tee shots a good 100 yards farther than I ever could.

Since Hurley's ball speed was about 12-15 MPH higher than Tiger's I doubt even Bubba Watson could get it past Long John Hurley. I'm pretty sure the USGA's equipment has tested both of them and last I asked they still hadn't seen a ball speed as high as Hurley's.