Its a small tee, you could mow it with a fly mower light enough to carry over. Hell, mow it with a weed whacker, I don't care, I just think that would be such a cool site for the teebox!
And why would it have to be a suspension bridge, if they did it today? I can understand the thinking in the Depression, but today I would think CPC could afford to do a proper bridge if they decided to do this.
I'd certainly prefer something a bit more durable, that wouldn't swing wildly in strong winds. Nevermind having it collapse when I'm walking on it, it'd be almost as bad to be in the last group out for the day when a storm was blowing in, and have the bridge collapse while I'm teeing off so I'd have to spend a dark and stormy night stuck out on that little island. Think of how big of a tip my caddie would want for missing a night of drinking