Just because I shoot 75 one day and 95 the next doesn't have anything to do with my ability. I still had the ability to make all the same shots I hit when I shot the 75 on the day I shot the 95, but didn't execute. A player who would shoot 95 as their best round and 115 as their worst would likely not possess the ability to hit some of the shots which I'm capable of. Its possible he can't even hit some shots on his best day I can still fall back on on my worst. If he can only carry it 210 yards, then a 180 yard carry has the potential to be quite penal for him, especially if he plays into the wind. I'd need to play into a hurricane to be worried about that carry.
Just because you and Tiger play the same course doesn't mean that it can't be penal for you and not for him. A guy who slices his drives probably finds TOC pretty penal, what with OB to the right on almost every hole. Tiger isn't worried about OB there. Similar for a typical guy who isn't good from the sand and is deathly afraid of deep pot bunkers, he might take several shots to escape if he finds one, making them quite penal for him.