I think telecasts of the PGA Tour have had a terrible influence on every day play.
Golfers want to imitate the PGA Tour Pros and there is something to be said for the theory that, if the PGA Tour Pros are doing it, or using it, it must be the way to go.
When some indicate that golf isn't growing you have to examine the culture we live in. Young parents don't want to be on a golf course for 5+ hours, they want to tee off early and get home to their families. Teeing off at 7 or 8 and being done by 10 or 11 and home before noon has appeal, and can satisfy all war camps. Teeing off at 7 or 8 and not being home until 1 or 2 or later diminishes the appeal and creates strife.
The culture of golf has changed over the last 50 years.
When you mentioned that the LPGA Pros are in their own world, so is almost every other golfer and the monkey see, monkey do syndrome is pretty much systemic.
I can't think of a reason why rounds shouldn't be completed in 3.5 hours or less.
The R&A, USGA, PGA, regional and state GA's along with local clubs have allowed the pace to slow considerably. They have to be the catalyst to speed it up.
In addition, it seems that letting a faster group play through is rarer than a TEPaul birdie these days.
Slow play is taking the FUN out of the game.