Patrick Mucci wrote:
"Tom Doak's the consultant.
The golf course is outside of Philadelphia.
Some members want him to review a proposal to allow rough to grow behind a critical, diagonal fairway bunker.
Tom Doak is in Traverse City, MI.
His on site visit will take 15-30 minutes at most.
Airfare is $ 578 overnight lodging is $ 150, car rental is
$ 150, throw in a few meals and ADD his fee for his time, since he'll be away from the office or other full clients for a day or two and you might have a bill in the thousands of dollars.
Is the club going to go for that ?
Is Tom Doak going to take a day or two out of his schedule to do that ?"
With respect, Patrick, I would imagine the answer to both your questions is a resounding "YES!!!" If the club truly believes the this issue is important, then they will pay the money, and, I would further imagine, if the club pays Mr. Doak the money, he would be more than willing to make it a priority to spend those 15 minutes at the course, lending his professional opinion to the subject.
In "The Social Contract," Rousseau said something to the effect of how a government cannot, will not, function outside of the will of the people. Even a dictator is in his position because the people allow him to be, not simply because he alone wishes to be.
If this, or any other issue is important to the overall health, well-being, or integrity of the golf course, then the will of the people (membership) will correct it. But, until then, the will of membership dictates that things remain as they are, even though yourself and others may scorn this decision.