I had a really crappy caddy last time out, but overall it is a very nice place. He will chime in as soon as he gets out Algebra.
I like it a bit more than Cos does, but I do admit I have trouble differentiating the course with. The locker room, clubhouse and aura of the place makes it seem like a special experience each time I play there, where the golf course in itself is just OK.
Worth playing for sure...
Yea, funny Sean. Remember for about 8 hours after I caddied for you I never even showed up...
Jon, Seattle is a great course, club, etc, with a great membership. I work there.
Soon there will be a course profile on it including pictures and write ups of the holes.
If you have any specific questions about the club or course IM me or email me at golfwas@yahoo.com
p.s. The new super-intendent has been doing a lot with the course, and it is in superb shape right now. Firm and fast already. A new irrigation system has been installed over the entire course which has helped with the upkeep with the course. The greens are as good as I have ever seen them and the fairways are absolutely perfect. No drainage problems anywhere.