I tend to favor a purist position with respect to restorations, and, I have a general distrust of modernizations, but, the 18th hole at Seminole made me wonder.
Is Seminole better off with the Dick Wilson version of the 18th hole, the current version, or are there those who would favor restoring Ross's original work ?
Ignore the practice range issue in considering the question.
My vote would be to preserve Dick Wilson's work, since the hole is a spectacular hole in its present form.
Isn't that the crux of most decisions ?
Whether or not the modified hole is better than the original ?
And, isn't that what also has led and continues to lead to so many disfigurations ? The expectation that the reconfigured hole will be better than the original or old hole ?
Shouldn't clubs about to embark upon "modernizations" and/or restorations, whereby they're going to alter an original or existing hole, call in "consultants", for second and third opinions, just like a prudent patient, about to undergo serious surgery would do ?