Ken - I've played the new greens at Royal Aberdeen, and while I don't know what they were like beforehand, it's all too easy to identify the new greens among the old (which itself is a bad sign). I'd agree with John's comments.
As for the wider thread...I like coming here because the people here tend to like the same design features, styles, etc. as I do. But at the end of the day, our opinions - as informed as they may be - are still just that, opinions. If a particular golfer prefers a course with no blind shots, no "quirk", straightforward features, "signature holes" and lush conditioning, does that make his opinions less valid than mine, Tom Doak's or John Huggan's? We're talking about art here, not mathematics - there is no right and wrong, and the more elitist this site gets, the more like an insufferably pretentious art critic it collectively becomes. Personally, I doubt there are more than 10 courses in Scotland I'd rather play than North Berwick, but at the same time I fully acknowledge that it is beyond the pale for many, and measured against the average golfer's tastes in architecture, it is definitely not a great course.