The 11th at Shinnecock (the cover photo for my Flynn book) is considered a short hole at 158 yards. The wind dictates what yardage the hole plays like. For the longer hitters, it is a 9-iron and for many it is a 6 or, as you say, a 7 iron. That is a short hole these days.
I can shape short shots. Unfortunately they are often the wrong shape
You ask if the green shape tests the skills I mentioned. Yes, absolutely. But the surrounding hazards and topography are factors as well that should integrate properly with the green shape, contour and angle of play (offset).
The offset to the line of play at the 12th at Augusta is about a club or club and a half difference. I like that quite a bit. The rear diagonal of the green is also a very nice feature that comes into play as well, heightening the distance demand. I think the swirling wind is the ultimate factor on this hole for the better player followed closely by the shallow nature of the green.
The shape of the 13th at Oakmont is very interesting. Depending upon the pin position, there are two different demands. The front of the green is very narrow and the rear of the green wider. The green is 40 yards long. For most pin positions, I'd try to position my tee shot to the middle of the green and hope I hit a good approach putt. For a front pin, you have to stay below the hole so the narrow green and fronting bunkers really make that the most difficult position.
The only other green I am familiar with is the Postage Stamp. That to me was a difficult tee shot, not in terms of distance control but in terms of line of play. I wasn't worried about distance because I knew the distance to the front of the green and had a lot of green to work with. The side to side demand was great. I pulled my shot left, chipped close and made par. I think the green width was a huge factor for me on that short hole. I think most decent golfers have more problem horizontally than vertically. Average to below average golfers have difficulty in both direction and distance.