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Ryan Farrow

A few questions about routing/solving a big A%* puzzle
« on: April 28, 2007, 04:28:08 AM »
A few questions about routing/solving a big A%* puzzle.

Do you think it is better to walk the property before you route the holes on a topo?

Were/are there any architects who route their golf courses w/o a topo?

How often do natural features you don’t see on a topo show up on site that makes change your routing? Are these usually small features like moving a green 20 or 30 yards or do they send you back to the drawing board to adjust multiple holes?

How often does a client who doesn’t get this stuff screw up a potentially great/better routing because of an insistence on 7,200 + yards and a par 72 scorecard?


Re:A few questions about routing/solving a big A%* puzzle
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2007, 09:52:39 AM »

Everyone does it differently, but here are my own personal answers:

a)  I think you have to go back and forth between the property and the map.  I prefer to get the map first for an overall sense of things and to find a few potential holes to check out; otherwise that first visit is a lot of wandering around trying to get a sense of scale of the place.

b)  I know Bill Coore didn't use a topo map to route Sand Hills ... they only had a 5-foot contour map and he said it left out too much.  But, Sand Hills is treeless so you can see all the contours.  In trees I would think anyone would need a map.

c)  The natural features which are most likely to influence the routing are vegetation and views.  Sometimes there is a cool contour that you miss on the topo (usually because it's a subtle thing that is hidden between the two-foot contours on flattish ground), but you may miss those until you get to construction.  It's hard to adjust one hole, there is usually a bit of domino effect.

d)  Insistence on returning nines reduces the options more than any other decision.  (Last night, I had three of my associates guess how many times we had not returned the ninth hole to the clubhouse -- it was 10 out of 25 courses.)  A par-72 mandate limits options more if they are insistent on a 36/36 balance.  
