The reason many of you can't tell the difference between dormant and dead is because you don't know the difference. There is a very easy way to tell. If it turns to dirt and weeds, it was dead.
If Maidstone wants to save the time, energy, and costs invoved in re-seeding and growing turf back-in after a tough summer, then I say smart move. That doesn't mean that they are going to soak it down every day and turn it into a spongey mess. I have heat in my house, but I don't use it when I don't need it. They obviously know what they are doing. Smart move not having to keep it wet growing areas back in during a beautiful fall golf season, or having to play off of dirt.
One important point to remember for all is that each golf course is different. What works in Scotland may not work in New York. Check the weather patterns. What works at one club in a city may not work at another club in a city due to microclimates, grasses, soil types, budgets, staffing, members wants and needs, etc.
I grew up in a family involved in Nuclear Power generation, but surprisingly that does not make me a Nuclear Engineer. Just because you happen to play golf and have a lawn, it still doesn't make you an expert in the field of turfgrass management!!!