The model of perfection for such a request, and surprisingly not mentioned of yet, is the short 11th at Plainfield. This litle devil all but rivals some the more infamous short par 3's found at golf's more hallowed grounds. The green, seperated by gully from the tee, appears near level, but instead plays sharply downhill. It's strong right-to-left cant couples with a very pronounced back to front slope conspiring to confuse the player on the tee. While the card lists the hole fom 130-145yds, it always plays shorter (115-125) I don't have photo to publish but I know the hole goes well described on the "Courses" section here and is even offerred up as perhaps Ross' greatest short hole.
It is hole that anything deep of the pin brings a bogey-to-double bogey immediately into play and consistently terrifies even the highly skilled golfer.