First, lets have a huge round of applause for George Pazin and his terrific series on Oakmont!
It got me to thinking, that was one of the best things I've seen GCA do...we studied a course in depth and everyone chipped in their own expertise and contributions. Moreso, there was not a single snap, snipe or sour note between any of us over the entire 18 weeks!
Now that's what I call making a positive contribution!
So it got me to thinking, we should do that more often!
Suggestion 1: We have Carnoustie and Southern Hills coming up. Why don't we do exactly the same thing for those courses?
Suggestion 2: Ran, Tommy, Ben, we should make a "file and throw up a link on the side bar of all the courses we do in the "Eighteen weeks of _____" series.
Suggestion 3: We do this every year for the major championship venues. That way, we not only get to discuss them, but we have a community project that will get archived. Next year, we do torrey and hazeltine and turnberry.
Suggestion 4: We could do old GCA faves like Tobacco road and PD and Black Mesa and Friar's Head and Yale and (insert name of course)
Whaddya think people? George? ANy plans for an encore. I dont know about others, but I tuned in EVERY week!