Martin, Thanks for pointing out my Inaccurate title
. Also thank for pointing out my SPG. As Mark said Rich has already pointed this out to me. My spelling is bad and I am trying to Improve it, but also some of the spellings and phrases I use may be acceptable in Ireland, they are misunderstood in other countries. As I want to be an International GCA, I should make sure that my English is Internationally accurate.
The funny thing about the whole thing is a SPG-mad Principal and my Mum is a reading and spelling Teacher so I really should be World Spelling Bee Champion
P.S I spend so much time Texting and MSNing It is hard to type 'proper'
Thanks for the simple but helpful advice Mrak (I assume you are deliberately spelling everyones nmeas rongw!)
Thanks Ian, Your Blog is great and something I look up to.
I LOVE Half-Par Holes and they may become my 'signature'
when I am a GCA (I am going to be axe-murdered for trying to be a signature Archie!)
. A blog peice will follow
Ian, have you reached the stage were "you feel an obligation to write and you have no new ideas" because your Blog is of a continual high standard!
More posts in the blog will follow.