I cannot possibly conceive of a situation in which anyone in his right mind would turn down an invitation to join ANGC.
You need to get some more imagination. 
That is probably true. I do suffer from egocentrism at times, with the occasional overgeneralizations and uses of hyperbole

The realistic version of what I meant to say: What kind of mentality would it take to turn down such an invitation, and that I'd be interested to hear the thoughts of anyone who would sincerely decline.
I see your point about the people in the club. I suppose that if one found the membership to be unpleasant, one might not be disposed to joining. If I (in this dream-world into which we have inserted ourselves) found myself in such a situation, I suppose I'd end up playing a lot of solo rounds. And while it's not exactly a "back-to-nature" kind of ambiance, I think I'd quite enjoy my solitude roundabout Amen Corner. But if I had to choose between such a scenario at ANGC and a slightly less-hallowed club with a membership into which I would fit much better, I could see difficulty arising in that choice. However, it would stand to reason that receiving the invitation letter from Augusta would mean that I would be sufficiently wealthy to afford membership most anywhere

. But still, the point is well taken.