After the thread about connection holes I definitely feel that 17 is one. Of course I have no facts to back up my claim but if you are trying to make the most difficult course in the country who routes a sub 300 yard par 4 at number 17. You could imagine 18 was one of the first holes laid out and 16 sits on a pretty natural green site overlooking the river valley (if we could get a few hundred more trees knocked down). 17 is not the prototypical golf hole and I am sure it was never designed as a driveable hole.
Again I am just rambling, no facts here.
Yes, this hole plays uphill the entire way and Big Mouth has been deepened as part of the restoration. I think it’s at least 15' deep now.
Another note: This is one of the smallest greens on the course and if you happen to put one in big mouth (or anywhere right of the green) your chances of holding the green on your recovery shot is almost zero.
To anyone who plays this hole, keep your god damn driver in the bag or this hole will make you look like an idiot.