Nope, but very good guess....CC of Greenfield (another Ralph Barton) was one of my great hidden gem finds of 2005, what a great afternoon I had there!
My last clue, the layout of the course below.

The black lines show the generally accepted holes, and the name of the road above is a hint.
Pic 1 above was taken from the dogleg towards the far left green. Pic 2 was taken down the vertical axis towards the green in the center of the aerial. Pic 3 was taken from the fairway on the longest (lower) hole on the aerial towards the green with the two bunkers, the left-hand one being the "Yale Bunker." And Pic 4 was taken from left of the yellow patch in the aerial's center towards the same green as in Pic 2.
And yes, there is a former green on the private property in the upper left portion of the aerial.
Any last guesses?