I've been to a site a few times of late.....southern Guanacaste region, near Samara and Punta Islita....very remote...dirt roads and dirt landing strips.
The owner wants 18 holes and I'm trying to convince him to just build 9 with fun tee and fairway options, and use the other area for artificial ski slopes
....or just leave it alone.
I was there a few weeks ago, eating in their open air palapa, when a spotted skunk ambled under my table and out again.
The server said its not a problem.....until he stepped on the skunks tail 10 minutes later....who then sprayed the restaurant, and emptied it for the most part.
One guy was running around in circles, hyperventilating like he was breathing mustard gas!
It was interesting to watch....the women were generally less offended than the men.
You know you are in Eco Oz when free range skunks roam the cantinas!