thanks - an interesting quote. I can't discuss Fazio's work at Riviera, or anywhere else for the matter, as I've never played a Fazio course. But I found this snippet telling:
"Some of the holes on our famous golf courses, even some designed by legendary designers, wouldn't pass muster with today's golfers."
It seems to me that in any profession or art form, the top practitioners tend to fall into two camps: they either use their talent to lead or to follow. They either say, in words and in actions, "that's the way it is, so I'll serve it up to you just the way you like it" or they say "that's the way it should be, and I hope you'll follow me as I go there".
I suppose the world needs (and benefits from) both types, and I know that both types can and do have genuine talent; but I have to be honest: I prefer the one who takes the risk and leads. Besides there being something noble in that, I tend to think that this approach (somehow, in ways I can't understand) always produces the best work in the end.
Btw, I would also join Riviera in a heartbeat, if only to stroll around in Dean Martin's footsteps.
