"Why does anyone care to expend the energy to split such hairs about who created Merion?"
I think the only reason I hung in so long is I really can't stand blatant historical revisionism, at least not with courses I love and know really well and those historical revisionists just don't.
Basically, I hang in because I want to be as sure as I can that no one will believe them.
That's why I'm challenging David Moriarty to write his article on perhaps some of his "hypotheses"
about Merion he's been talking about on here and get it published in the "in My Opinion" section. Those kinds of articles have to stay there unaltered for all to mull over. They aren't like this DG where hair-splitting and tortured logic and argumentation by David Moriarty has been raised to new heights.
I want to see him publish his "hypotheses" about Merion on there. Just do his research on his own unaided by us henceforth and then take his best shot in an article. And at that point i can almost guarantee Wayne and I will counterpoint that article and take it apart like a cheap suit.
I'd like to see the point and counterpoint get on here and be permanent so future readers can make up their own minds about Merion and Wilson and Macdonald.
Ran has a tendency to go for that kind of classic "point/counterpoint" architectural persentation too, I think.