Your use of "its a waste" implies you don't like the design, which is fair. However, it implies that you have studied the land, and determined the the gca made wholesale mistakes in routing, which IMHO, is not, given you don't likely know the wetlands issues, budget, and whole host of other concerns that you admit you don't care about.
My only point is that kind of phrasing is, IMHO, a bit overblown. I have relatives in Ohio, and they say you can hardly get on the place, so there are obviously differences of opinion. Using strong declaritives makes it seem as if there could not possibly be any other opinion. If that were the case, then we would have very short discussions, no?
I was only aware that you were a moderator when someone posted that last year. In any event, it does seem you have become more polished (perhaps from hanging out with Forrest?) over the years, while retaining your passion. Of course, that is from memory, which as always, could be faulty.
BTW, its easy to date my particpation - I discovered this place through Ron Whitten, who was lamenting using some foul language in his site interview, which is listed as Feb. 2000, so I have been here a year longer than you recall. Funny, but I would have thought that my presence here would have seemed LONGER to you, rather than SHORTER!
I have no disagreement on the idea that this site is to discuss and critique the good bad and ugly of gca. I think its a matter of degrees, and I don't think that many black and white statements made are as completely true as their originators presume (not just here, but in general)
I disagree that all Art Hills courses are bad architecture. I have played four Hills courses in Texas, two in Michigan, and two more in Ohio and probably a few others that I can't recall right now. I have seen Black Gold. That is what I base my opinions on, not "All Hills Courses." They may vary in quality, but a broad brush broadside isn't an accurate assessment on your, or anyone else's part.
At least I don't find rants as credible as critiques with specificity, which I have seen here. You can say whatever you want, I just think people listen more when posts are brief rather than rambling, and factual rather than rant.
As always, JMHO. Make it a great day!