Pete, are you saying that an upgrade of the design, or maintenance practices is not in order? If so, is your reasoning that an old relic shouldn't be touched, or that the costs are too high to maintain if golf features are shined up?
I'm not wondering if it should be remodelled to mimic a "Shadow Creek" sort of presentation...

I'm just saying that those grassed in bunkers, perhaps the greens subsurfaces and drainage, and some internal countouring in the greens (ala Rustic Canyon) and some TLC could be provided as a donation by some of these folks that are highly well compensated in the GCA biz.
Or, take a fellow like Pete Dye... didn't he get rather handsomely compensated via fed super funds for his "clean up" of the old bombing range at Whistling Straits, before they could grind it out into a golf course where Kohler said he was given an unlimitted budget, and exceeded it!?

How many guys have their beaks so wet in the military contracting biz that they couldn't afford to do something charitable in the way of contributing some of that scratch back to provide a really nice golf course at historic Camp Pendleton for the primary use of our Marine active and retired? (and keep the costs the same!) What they spend to refurbish on M-1 Abrahms tank would do the trick as fa as tuning up this course (if it had to come out of the defense budget because no one would donate) not that at this particular juncture in time the tank isn't needed more...