You said most are 5 hdcp or lower -- actually close.
There was a thread about age, hdcp and fav. GCA recently. I pulled the "data" and here's what it said. Based on a small sample... ~ 60 responses (that I could use)
Avg. age: 43.7 sdt. dev. 9.7
Avg. hdcp: -7.6 std. dev. 5.4
Fav. GCA: McK (14), Dye(

, Ross(6), Colt(5) were the top vote getters.
I sorted the data by age v. GCA and hdcp v. GCA to see if there were any trends. -- not really.
Unscientific survey and some of the replys were hard to group. For handicap, my favorate response was "parallel parking."
So, brings me to another point -- top 12 courses thread.
It's looks like a survey but unless we can assemble the info, it just becomes "banter" for the thread, which is OK. I'm not voluntering to pull the "data" off the thread (too hard to manage in this format).
Is there is a better format to post a "survey" questionair in a web based forum ?
I would think a GCA would be interested in some of the trends. It's surprising how different opinion and data can be. (It's what I do ... 6sigma stuff).