Damn, reality rears its ugly head again. I am naive enough to think that you really had a way to make this super-panel happen. And I was excited about it, because to me it would have been a hearkening back to the old Golf Magazine days at least a little... and those were great panels indeed... weren't they?
But this is big business now (at least partially YOUR fault, btw
) so it is what it is and with all these contracts you couldn't get the right people together. Oh well.
BUT... as I alluded to in the other thread, couldn't you get an equally well-travelled, perhaps more passionate, damn good panel of 15 among the "not so famous"? None of these would be under any contracts... Of course reality rears it's head there too... coverage would be an issue, funding, how to find them, etc... but that has to be intriguing.
In any case re Golf Digest, why is it not just fair to look at it as ONE way to do this - no better or worse than any of the others? Of course I find it very cool they continually tweak and try to improve... but in the end, GD does a consensus of many, GM is the view of a few (or at least was - I'm not privy to how Passov will re-do things), GW seems to be the views of a larger few, focusing on slightly diffrent things... Thus three ways to do this, three different results...
BTW, the concerns about the "panelist class" seem to be to me much ado about nothing, as much as I get a kick out of JK's crusade against this. Please... put all three panels together and what do we have, 1100 people? Now I don't know how many avid golfers there are in this country, but that has to be a TINY percentage of them. If that's a class, then so are Santa Clara Bronco women's soccer fans.
And of course of these panelists, there are always going to be bad apples. Sadly you met a few last weekend... hopefully you met some of the good ones, also.